Alright! Getting back in the saddle with some more illustrator work.
This first bit is a logo that I came up with my Sophomore year of high school. It wasn't quite as detailed as this back then and much flatter, but I was at work yesterday and figured that I'd play around with it and came up with this!
I've messed around putting a background to it and texturing the roads in photoshop, but those aren't quite finished, so just this for now. Who knows, I might even do an animation with it. O_o
This other stuff I figured would be useful to practice on, since designing graphics for web pages is a big deal. Anyway, the first that I did was following a tutorial online just to get an idea of where I should go. The next few I came up with (obviously not the apple logo itself, but you get the idea). Just creating buttons and icons. (I don't really like the back and forward buttons much, but I decided to put them up anyway.)
Enjoy! And comment! Please? I have Cake!
The Cake is a Lie.